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How can I help Lilli financially?

Why do we need your donation?

Lilli is entirely dependent on donations. In order for our accessible and free services to continue, we rely on the generosity of our donors every year.

Every Swiss franc/euro is very valuable to us! Here are some examples of how you can make a difference:

  • With 15 Swiss francs/euro you enable 100 people to use the services on
  • With 50 Swiss francs/euro you make it possible for a person to contact us anonymously and get in-depth personal counseling.
  • With 500 Swiss francs/euro you can finance an text with expert advice and concrete exercise tips.

Thank you very much for your donation!

Donations from Switzerland:

For a donation by bank transfer in CHF, you need the following information:

Bank: PostFinance
Account name: Lilli - Verein für Prävention und Online-Beratung junger Frauen & Männer zu Sexualität und sexueller Gewalt (Association for Prevention and Online Counselling of Young Women & Men on Sexuality and Sexual Violence)
Account number: 87-410032-4
IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 8741 0032 4

Donations from other countries:

You can use your regular PayPal account or credit card from any country to make a donation via our donation tool above, in Euro or CHF.

For a donation by bank transfer in Euro, you need the following information:

Bank: PostFinance
Account name: Lilli - Verein für Prävention und Online-Beratung junger Frauen & Männer zu Sexualität und sexueller Gewalt (Association for Prevention and Online Counselling of Young Women & Men on Sexuality and Sexual Violence)
IBAN: CH44 0900 0000 1539 9267 4

Thank you very much for supporting us!