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Why is seduction worth practicing?

Contagious enthusiasm, putting yourself in the other person's shoes, and patience make good seducers. Because these things can make another person want what you want.

What is seduction?

A man offers a woman a piece of cake

Seduction is when you want something and make it so appealing to another person that they are happy to go along with it. For example, going somewhere with you. Or doing you a favor. Or becoming romantically involved with you. Or having sex with you. Seduction is also when you make another person want you - when you win them over.

Being contagious with your enthusiasm

Imagine you want to seduce someone into going to a certain movie with you. One way is to tell them directly how much you want to see the movie and show your enthusiasm. There's a good chance you will catch their enthusiasm and make them want to go too.

Put yourself in the other person's shoes

Another option is to put yourself in the other person's shoes and think about what they might find interesting about this movie: an actor? Something you heard or read about the movie? And then mention that to them, perhaps in passing. That way, you might get them interested and they'll say, "Come on, let's watch the movie!"

Take your time

If you don't have patience, your seduction attempt is likely to backfire. That's because the other person won't have time to feel the desire for what you want. As a good seducer, you have a lot of patience and take things one step at a time. Even if you want to win over the most amazing person in the world. It's not a good idea to rush in the door.

Pressure is not seductive

Bad feelings don't create desire. If you want to get the other person to do something with you, it's very unhelpful to say things that make them feel bad. For example: "If you don't come with me, then I'm not doing you any favors!" Or, "Others are doing it, what's your problem?" Such criticism, threats, and blackmail may get the other person to do something for you out of guilt or fear - but they certainly won't like it. And they will be angry and disappointed in you. So: Seduction only works if you treat others nicely.

Seduction in relationships

Even if you're in a relationship, you have to keep winning them over and making them want you. You have no right to them just because you are a couple, and they have no obligation to you - for example, they have no obligation to have sex with you. So seduction continues when you are in a relationship.

Seducing is not manipulating

When you manipulate someone, you are trying to get them to do something. But your attitude is completely different from that of seduction: When you seduce, you are happy if the other person does it. You can live with it if they don't. When you manipulate, you have no understanding of the fact that the other person doesn't do what you want. They MUST do it. You are not interested in their needs. When you seduce, you are interested in the other person and their needs, and you take them seriously. Another thing: When you seduce, you don't pretend to the other person. You show what you want. When you manipulate, you hide your true intentions.

You can't seduce everyone for everything...

Seduction is only successful if the other person is also a little open to what you want to do with them. Seduction means awakening their dormant desire. Imagine you want to seduce her into going to an action movie, even though she tells you in no uncertain terms that she thinks action movies are completely stupid. Then it's best to save yourself the trouble and find a friend to go with you. But if they say "Hmm, maybe, I don't really know..." at the beginning, then you have a chance. And if it doesn't work out, be flexible and tolerant: seducers can live with the fact that they can't seduce everyone into everything. Nor will they be able to win everyone over.

...but improve the odds

As a better seducer, you have a better chance of seducing people and winning them over. That's why it pays to practice seduction. It starts with doing things that make you feel interesting, attractive, sexy, and lovable.

Because seduction has a lot to do with your attitude. No matter what body nature gave you, you can be seductive.