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Welcome to our website

We're glad you found us. Here you will find information and tips. You can ask your questions. You can read answers. You'll find links and addresses. You can participate in surveys. Lilli is here for everyone. No matter where you live. No matter how old you are. No matter who you love. It's very simple: you're here, so you're welcome here laugh

A girl lies on her bed and searches for advice centers on her laptop.

A simple overview of all our content

Our sitemap allows you to easily navigate all of our content. The sitemap is a complete overview of all Lilli content — a list of links to every corner of our website. Links that you have already clicked on will be grayed out. So, the blue links are texts that you have missed so far wink  A tip: By using the search function of your computer (CTRL + F, CMD + F), you can quickly find what you are looking for on the sitemap.

Find exactly what you're looking for

You're looking for something specific? The quickest way to find the information and answers that interest you is to use the search window. You can type in a word or a phrase. In the search results, you will find answers to questions that others have asked us. You will also find info texts, links, and addresses.

Boy sits in front of his computer

Ask us your question

Do you have an intimate question? No question is embarrassing. You can ask us anything. Just put your question in our question window. The link to the question window can also be found at the top of every page in the pink bar. It also tells you how many questions our team is currently working on. No matter how many questions are in progress, you can always send us your question. Exceptions are certain public holidays and the Zurich school vacations. We will let you know how long the window will be closed and when you can ask questions again.

Look what others have asked us

Maybe you don't know exactly how to ask your question. Then read what others have asked. You can read all the answers for the last three years. Maybe you'll find an answer to your question there, too. You can read answers on specific topics. You will find the topics in the menu under "Questions & Answers". You can also always look up what the latest answers are.

In the info texts we answer many questions

You can read many info texts with us. In these texts we answer questions we have been asked many times before. In the texts you will find links to other texts. You will find many tips and suggestions for practicing. It's good you're taking your time practicing the things we recommend. If you're standing in line somewhere, just ask us a question. You can find the info texts via our menu. You can read your way through chapters there. Or you enter a term in the search window. Among the search results you will also find info texts.

Who makes Lilly and why?

You want to know who writes the answers and texts on On this page you will find information about the Lilli-Team. Our most important goal is to promote your sexual and personal self-confidence. In this text we explain more about why we make Lilli.

Support Lilli

Lilli is financed entirely by donations. In order for our low-threshold and free offer to continue, we depend every year on the generosity of our donors. On the start page above you will find the donation button. On this page you will also find further information on how you can support us.