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How do I get interested in showing myself to the other person?

Maybe it's hard for you to show yourself naked to another person. Sexual experiences, masturbation and a good body image can help you.

Why does experience help?

You may find it difficult to show yourself naked to your partner, to "present" your genitals to him or her, and to act out your sexual arousal in front of him or her. Maybe it has always been this way. Maybe it has always been this way. Maybe it has changed because of an illness, an accident or some other significant incident. Experience can help: If you have sexual experiences, you are likely to find that others find you sexually attractive and arousing, and it is quite possible that you will enjoy showing your sexual arousal to your partners more and more. On the other hand, if you have never shown yourself to anyone, your shame and insecurity are understandable.

A woman hugs a woman who is undressing.

Why does masturbation help?

It also helps to take time for yourself and your body during masturbation. This will sharpen your awareness. You develop the ability to shape your sexual arousal. That's why there are so many masturbation tips on this website. You will become familiar with your sex and learn to enjoy it as a part of yourself. You will feel more comfortable in your skin and with your body. You will like your sex and your body more, and maybe even be proud of it. And, of course, you will want to show yourself to others - as seductive, as sexy, as sexually aroused and sexually arousing.

How do I practice showing myself?

If you can look at yourself while masturbating, you will be more likely to show yourself to someone else during sex and be more relaxed when he or she sees you while you are sexually aroused or having an orgasm. One exercise for this is to arouse yourself in front of the mirror and observe how you experience sexual pleasure. Feel free to exaggerate this in a playful way. If you find this strange,  you could start by hanging a red cloth over the lamp to "dim" it.

What if my body image is bad?

Maybe you feel too fat, have scars or you are not happy with your body or parts of it, you look at yourself critically in the mirror and see especially your weak points. The more you look at your body and the less you feel it, the more difficult it will be for you to get out of this self-criticism.Conversely, a good body image helps you to feel comfortable in your own skin. In other words, everything you do that makes your body feel good. That can be movement, taking a bath, massaging yourself or getting a massage and many more things.