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Get into your power with abdominal breathing

How we breathe affects how we feel. You can take advantage of this. Here we describe how you can activate your strength and energy through your breathing.

Breathing out calms you down

We can breathe to calm ourselves down. But there is another way to breathe if you want to activate yourself. We describe it here:

Why does breathing have a big impact on my feelings?

Every feeling spreads through your body. And that's where you can feel it best. Fear tightens your chest - the muscles between your ribs tighten and you do not breathe as deeply. Anger tightens the muscles in your torso like a corset - your neck is often very hard. Just as you can feel the feelings in your body, you can also influence them through your body: through muscle tension and breathing. You can calm yourself down with slow, deep abdominal breathing. And you can use abdominal breathing to feel your strength and energy.

What is this breathing practice about?

These breathing exercises are about bringing our nervous system into a state of safety. And there are many variations. There is a feeling of safety through freedom from fear. Without threats and dangers, people can relax. They can do anything related to relaxation (sleeping, eating, sex, socializing, etc.). There is also security through feelings of control and mastery. An embodied feeling of "I can do this". This feeling is more than just a thought and is usually accompanied by activating abdominal breathing. Many people know this from sports or exciting board games, but sex can also be very pleasurable in this way. Play with it and make your own experiences.

How does it work?

Stand with your feet slightly shoulder-width apart and your knees straight, neither bent nor stretched out. Then say a "shush" and feel where in your body you notice something. You don't feel anything? Ok, lengthen the s and make it a little louder... now? Most people use their abdominal muscles for this and also notice that they are more tense. This can be put to good use!

How do I use my abdominal muscles to breathe?

Breathe out sharply by briefly and forcefully contracting your abdominal muscles. With your mouth closed, you can clearly feel the air flowing through your nose. Now experiment: exhale all the air in this way. In other words, by briefly contracting your abdominal muscles. This takes a few repetitions because there is a lot of air in your lungs. When all the air is out, simply let your body draw air in again. This will happen on its own - I promise! This will get exhausting if you do it a few times! Abdominal muscle workout included! wink

What happens in my body when I breathe like this?

You activate your nervous system with this type of breathing. In this state, energy is made available to achieve something. Learn to use this type of breathing when you need strength and energy. When you get up in the morning, when you do sport, when you face physical and mental challenges at school, at work or even in your sexuality.

How can I use this in my daily life?

Learn to do it with less force and to use your muscles to different degrees, sometimes very strongly, sometimes just as much as necessary. You can also do this on the side and inconspicuously on the bus or in the classroom. The principle is to breathe out through the active abdominal muscles. This activates them.

Where can I learn more about this type of breathing?

Watch videos about yoga breathing exercises. There is fire breathing (activating, Kapalabhati) and alternate breathing (relaxing/calming, Anuloma Viloma). So the knowledge of the effects of different breathing techniques is very old.