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Who can I show how I really feel?

Hiding your feelings protects you in certain situations. Showing your feelings can deepen friendships and help you to seduce.

Hiding your feelings protects you in certain situations...

You may be afraid to show others how you really feel because you've had bad experiences. Perhaps older children used to laugh at you when you showed fear at play. Or your parents scolded you when you were sad and cried. Or you were punished for speaking your mind. And maybe your coworkers put you down when they noticed that you were embarrassed and blushed.

Find people you trust

No matter what bad experiences you may have had: It doesn't mean that everyone will react the same way when you show how you feel. That is why it is important to find people you can trust to show you how you really feel. A buddy? A friend? A teacher? Someone in your family? An adult acquaintance?

Sharing your feelings deepens friendships

Telling your friends how you feel is usually well received - even when you are scared, insecure, sad, or angry. It shows courage and shows them that you trust them. As a result, they will be more open with you. You get to know each other better and can benefit more from each other.

Good seducers show interest in feelings

Let's assume you want to seduce someone. It helps if you show an interest in how they feel, what worries them, what upsets them, what scares them. It's also important to show them that you take these feelings seriously. This will make them feel more comfortable with you and more likely to trust you. And usually, the people around you like it when you tell them how you feel and what worries, stresses, and fears you have. It shows them that you are brave and that you trust them.