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How do I learn to become more aware of my penis?

In order to easily arouse yourself sexually, it's important that you learn to become more aware of your penis and to perceive your penis well. This will lead to better erections, a more pleasurable sexual experience, and greater control over when you want to reach orgasm.

Why do I feel so little in my penis?

Many men grip their penis very tightly when stimulating it during masturbation. The penis gets used to this. In this way, you don't learn to find gentle touches pleasurable. In this text, you can find out, why this is the case. The vagina cannot grip as tightly as your hand, nor can the tongue. As a result, the penis and your sexual arousal don't receive the usual stimulation. Often, the body is also quite tense during sexual arousal. This means that your genitals aren't well supplied with blood because muscle pressure is stronger than blood pressure. And where the blood circulation isn't good, you don't feel as much. You can read more about this in this text.

What problems can this cause during sex?

If a man feels little in his penis, he may not be able to control his sexual arousal very well. This can lead to premature ejaculation, which means that he ejaculates faster than he would like. And it can also result in erection problems. Because if the penis feels less, the sexual arousal has less "fuel". Ejaculation and orgasm may therefore not occur. And someone who feels less also experiences less pleasure from their body during sex. Over time, this can reduce the desire for sex.

How do I solve this problem?

The solution to your problem consists of two parts: 1) You can train your penis to become more sensitive. 2) You can learn to sexually arouse yourself in a way that involves less tension and more movement.

How can I move more during sex?

We've written many texts on this topic. I encourage you to read this text about moving during sex. You'll find many exercise tips there. It's important that you learn to move your pelvis during sex. You can find instructions on how to do this in this text. I also recommend our tips on masturbation for men and the tips on practicing alone for sexual intercourse.

How does the sensitivity training work?

You train the perception of lighter touches in the same way as you trained the perception of firmer touches: through many repetitions. You touch the penis gently. You caress it, lubricate it with oil and massage it gently. It's very important that you don't get discouraged if it feels numb at first. Eventually you will learn to differentiate better: What does a dry touch feel like, what does a wet touch feel like, a cold touch, a warm touch, and so on. At first, you may find these sensations quite neutral.

I can feel something, but why is there no sexual arousal?

Take your time. First, it's important to focus on becoming more aware of sensations. Once you've done this a little more often, you'll notice a difference between pleasant and unpleasant touches. With more practice, you will eventually experience a touch as somewhat arousing. This means that you feel some blood flowing into your penis. The longer you continue to practice, the more arousing you will find gentle touches. In this way, you gradually embark on a journey of discovery from numbness, to neutral, to pleasurable, and finally to arousing. Take a look at this illustration:

Graphic titled "Arousal can be learned." It shows a timeline ranging from "Day 1" to "many days or weeks later." Along the timeline, there is an arrow labeled multiple times with the terms "practice" and "touch." Below, there are levels listed, starting with "numb," followed by "neutral" (with attributes such as warm, cold, wet, dry, softly, firmly), and continuing with "weird," "interesting," "unpleasant," "pleasant," "a little bit arousing," "more arousing," and finally "highly arousing." The graphic illustrates that sexual arousal can become increasingly perceivable through repeated practice and touch.

Let your penis enjoy itself even without an erection

For many men, the penis is a means to an end. It has to be hard and functional. Think about how you would feel if you were your penis. Maybe your penis just wants to enjoy itself without having to function. So don't focus on if or how hard it gets, but rather on what it perceives. See what you can do that simply feels pleasant for your penis. You can do this for a few minutes in the morning and evening, before going to sleep and after waking up, or while showering and taking care of your body.  This will also help you build a better relationship with your penis.

How often and for how long should I practice?

Patience is the key: improving sensitivity in the penis doesn't happen overnight! It varies from man to man how long it takes, and whether it takes days or weeks. For example, you could commit to doing ten minutes of penis sensitivity training every night before you go to sleep. The focus should not be on whether you get an erection or have an ejaculation. If you feel like coming, you can stimulate yourself in the usual way after training. When you take a shower, take a minute to wash your penis very slowly. Pay attention to it. And whenever you have the opportunity to touch your penis briefly, do so and pay attention to what it feels. All of this is sensitivity training.