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- Pelvic floor training for women for sex
- Overcoming vaginismus: Tips for practicing alone
- Vaginismus: What to do if my vagina is too tight?
- Why should women move during sex?
- The vagina
- Ejaculate easily with the penis in the vagina or anus
- How do I learn to breathe deeply?
- High muscle tension during sex: Pros and Cons
- Effects of high muscular tension during sex
- Pain during or after intercourse: causes
- Vaginismus: Tips for partners if the vagina seems «too tight»
- Overcoming vaginismus: Tips for practicing with your partner
- Sexual arousal with pressure and muscle tension
- Pain in the pelvis or stomach during intercourse
- Your pelvis is the steering wheel of your penis
- What happens when men tense their muscles during sex?
- How do I learn to become more aware of my penis?
- Thanks for you site, it’s really great information.
Reading your site, I’ve realised that I have been having problems with using high muscular tension - for a long time finding it really hard ... - Hi Lilli
I have just found your website and your great tips on how to relax during masturbation. I especially like the pelvic swing while lying down so far, since it is something different than using ... - Hello Lilli team,
I'm a 32 years old woman, about 2 years ago I bought a stationary bike and started working out. The sitting saddle was badly made and I felt pins and needles after each training. ... - Hi Lilli team,
It’s me from question 38645.
Two months have passed since I last wrote you and I have went to PT. She told me my pelvic muscles are in good shape but that I tend to always be a bi ... - Hi, I want to know if you are a male (which I am), when you are erect, should you keep your pelvic floor as relaxed as possible or should you actively contract your pelvic floor, which is most natural ...