Thanks for you site, it’s really great information.
Reading your site, I’ve realised that I have been having problems with using high muscular tension - for a long time finding it really hard to orgasm and more recently erectile problems.
I have been practicing the pelvic swing. When practicing I’ve found that tensing my pelvic floor is pleasurable. Is this a good way to practice or will this have the same issues as other types of muscular tension?
Unsere Antwort
Thank you, we're happy to hear that our site has been useful for you!
It's great that you're starting to discover your pelvic floor muscles. They are an important tool for sexual pleasure. If you can feel your pelvic floor muscles well and if you can deliberately tense and relax them, then you can basically massage your penis from the inside. That's because a rather large part of the penis actually lies inside the body. The pelvic floor muscles are your third hand, so to speak, which you can use to stimulate the inner part of the penis.
At the same time, you're right that tensing the pelvic floor muscles too much can result in less sensation. A good remedy for too much tension is movement. So doing the pelvic swing is exactly right. Another way to avoid too much tension is to learn to feel the pelvic floor muscles and to play with them. For example, by rhythmically tensing and relaxing them. Being able to feel the pelvic floor muscles is a matter of practice: Pretend that you want to hold back urine – and then let go again. But don't do this while actually peeing, it's not good for your bladder. If you do it naked in front of the mirror, you should see your testicles move up slightly as you tighten your muscles. See if you can do that. You can do this tensing-relaxing exercise again and again throughout the day – while sitting, while standing, while lying down. The more you do this, the better you will get at feeling and controlling your pelvic floor muscles. And that way you can enjoy the pleasure without running the risk of too much tension.
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