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- What are techniques of genital arousal?
- Arousal to Orgasm: Tips for women
- How does sexual learning work?
- Why can't I reach an orgasm?
- Solo sex: Tips for women and all people with vulvas and vaginas
- Rapid or premature ejaculation: Tips for men
- Sex in motion: pelvic swing for women
- Why - and how much - should I practice for sex?
- How do I learn to perceive more inside my vagina?
- What happens when men tense their muscles during sex?
- The vagina
- High muscle tension during sex: Pros and Cons
- How do I learn to become more aware of my penis?
- Ejaculate easily with the penis in the vagina or anus
- Your pelvis is the steering wheel of your penis
- What is an orgasm?
- Why should women move during sex?
- Solo sex: Tips for men and all penis owners
- Sexual arousal with a vibrator or shower stream
- Sexual intercourse: tips for more fun and pleasure
- Sexual intercourse with a short or thin penis
- Sexual intercourse with a thick or long penis
- Sexual arousal with body movement
- Sexual arousal with pressure and muscle tension
- Sexual arousal through rapid rubbing
- Orgasm: clitoral or vaginal?
- Pain in the pelvis or stomach during intercourse
- Pain during or after intercourse: causes
- Overcoming vaginismus: Tips for practicing alone
- Overcoming vaginismus: Tips for practicing with your partner
- Pelvic floor training for women for sex
- My penis in the vagina or anus: tips for practicing alone
- Practicing for better sex: Tips for men
- Occasional erection difficulties are normal
- How do I make my penis bigger?
- How does sexual arousal work?
- Effects of high muscular tension during sex
- Getting more skillful at sex: pelvic swing for men
- Good feelings during sex through upper body movement
- Does big penis equal good lover?
- Book recommendation: Coming soon - great orgasms and better Sex at your fingertips
- Hello, thank you for all the resources on this website. This has been very helpful!
I have been combating delayed ejaculation, where I was unable to finish with my partner of two years. In these ye ... - Thanks for you site, it’s really great information.
Reading your site, I’ve realised that I have been having problems with using high muscular tension - for a long time finding it really hard ... - I am a young bi guy, previously I have only been with men, and recently I have started seeing a woman. we still haven't had sex.
I am wondering what differences are there in penetrative sex with a ... - Hi Lilli,
Can you recommend any resources for issues faced by men with a large and thick penis?
Most people just scratch their teeth on my penis during blowjob and it sometimes can hurt.
I f ... - A month and a half ago I quit porn and masturbation cold turkey. Before I quit, I had problems getting erect, and not being able to finish. Now I am able to get erect and finish, but I am not lasting ...
- I am making few things that might not have been clear in my question 35904:
For me porn, and masturbation always went together.
Without porn I couldn't masturbate, and I couldn't just watch porn w ... - Hej Lilli, thank you for the great work you are doing. I have a very personal and elaborate question.
Your articles talk about learning arousal. Is it possible to unlearn a particular arousal?
I ... - Hello lilli,
I first want to start of with a big thankyou to your website. This website literally saved my anxiety. I am a 21 year old man that has suffered sexual oriented ocd for 2 years. After h ... - Hi,
I've had lifelong erection problems and a lack of sensitivity. I am dependent on fantasizing and tensing my PC muscles to reach orgasm; is there a way to wean off of it?
The only way I've b ... - Hi, Im a male, and during penetration I can feel basically nothing, which then leads to the loss of erection.Even during oral sex I feel hardly anything. And yes, there is a lot of foreplay beforehand ...
- Is it a man’s job to make a woman orgasm when having sex? ...
- I’m finding it difficult to receive a more passive blow job. I have really enjoyed lying or sitting back receiving a blow job but have started to sometimes lose my erection, or think about losing it ...
- I lose sensation most of in my penis after masturbating for 1-2 weeks(usually 1-2 times a day), and when I rest for 1-2 weeks it returns.Although, when Im near my girlfriend, I lose sensation much qu ...
- Hello, I am 26 years old and suddenly stopped getting morning erections. This abruptly stopped 3-4 weeks ago. I am in good shape health wise and also perform cardiovascular exercises frequently. I do ...
- My partner says I am out of sync with him in bed. When he thrusts inside me, I raise my hips to meet him. He says I am replicating his movements and it is frustrating for him. How should I move to ma ...
- Firstly, thank you for your great content. I was reading some of your articles and decided this would be the proper place to ask my question.
I am a 18-year-old male, but my sexual journey started ... - When I engage in sex with my wife, we normally do it in rear entry. We've tried doing missionary, and it was uncomfortable and difficult, but rear entry like Doggystyle felt more natural. Are heights ...
- Hi Lilli team, I used to be happy with my sex life and had no problem on intercourse. For the last month or two, I noticed an issue that my penis got soften during intercourse. I enjoyed a good forepl ...
- Dear Team Lilli,
I have a question concerning the standing up pelvic movement masturbation method. I've been practicing this method and have already made good progress. My orgasms are more intense, ... - please can you show as us more about sex positions where our muscles can stay relaxed or maybe explain more sex positions how to stay relaxed and not contact any muscle ...
- hi lilli !
After reading all of your amazing tips i have understood that PE and
Performance anxiety and ED are very conected to each other .
First i conditioned my body to orgasm very rapidly thr ... - Hi lilli ..
my question is when we are doing the exercises like in the examples in pelvic swing in both 3 positions , these exercises should be done while rubing the penis or just the movement itsel ... - I have been reading your stuff regulary to understand it better and i have some questions .
-if i do the exercises every day , can i be able to manage my sexual arousal and by doing that can i co ... - I am 46 years old, and my wife is 47 years old. We have been married for 23 years. My sex drive and libido are still very strong and I long to have sex with my wife at least twice per week. On the oth ...
- Hi Lilli
I have just found your website and your great tips on how to relax during masturbation. I especially like the pelvic swing while lying down so far, since it is something different than using ... - I have always associated muscular tension with orgasm. When I was younger, it was quick, and I lasted anything from a handful of seconds to an hour (just whenever I tensed... what muscles?). I am now ...
- Can you increase sex drive. Mentally I want to have more sex but if I have sex more than once or twice a week I find that my erection is not as hard and I can loose it. I feel like there is a recovery ...
- Hi team,
I have been having problems with ED/PE for quite a bit now, feels like it comes and goes. Recently I discovered, that I might have porn included ED. It’s been almost over 2 months, I have ... - Hello Lilli team,
I'm a 32 years old woman, about 2 years ago I bought a stationary bike and started working out. The sitting saddle was badly made and I felt pins and needles after each training. ... - When erect my penis 18 cm long, and 16 cm circumference at the middle and 14.5 cm thick at the base. The base of my penis is not only thinner but also more flexible and weaker compared to the rest of ...
- How to give a girl the bestest pleasure ? ...