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Frage Nr. 35061 von 17.05.2022

Hello, thank you for all the resources on this website. This has been very helpful!

I have been combating delayed ejaculation, where I was unable to finish with my partner of two years. In these years, i was never able to achieve orgasm during penetration or even oral/hand stimulation with my partner.
I think it maybe due to excess porn usage before that or my grip during masturbation. Could you please point me towards resources to help overcome this issue. Any advice would also be very helpful.
Thanks in advance!

Unsere Antwort

Thank you for your kind words!

I'm going to assume that you're not on any medications and haven't had any spinal or pelvic surgeries.
It is quite possible that you learned your arousal technique long before your current partnership. And your technique – that you use during masturbation – probably involves a lot of pressure and muscle tension. When having sex with a partner, it is often not possible to experience that exact same way of stimulation. And then the arousal only increases up to a certain point, but not all the way to orgasm. Or it takes a very long time. Thus, you should learn to feel more in your body and thereby increase your arousal. You do this by consciously using your pelvis and improving the perception in your penis so that it responds to lighter touches again. This all takes some time to practice, but after that it should be easier and give you more pleasurable sexual encounters.

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