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Frage Nr. 36389 von 22.02.2023

I lose sensation most of in my penis after masturbating for 1-2 weeks(usually 1-2 times a day), and when I rest for 1-2 weeks it returns.Although, when Im near my girlfriend, I lose sensation much quicker, which leads to loss of erection during sex, and me not being able to ejaculate.Is it normal, and what can I do with this situation?

Unsere Antwort

I'm not sure I understand your question correctly. You masturbate 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks. During that time, your sensitivity in the penis becomes less and less, so then you don't get an erection anymore because you don't feel anything. Have I understood this correctly? And when you are with your girlfriend, you generally have a harder time getting an erection because you don't feel enough, right?

If so, then it's highly likely that you use a lot of pressure when masturbating. When you stimulate the penis with a lot of pressure, it is often the case that it takes more and more pressure to feel anything. Your girlfriend cannot create this level of pressure and her vagina even less so.

So, over time, you have trained yourself into needing strong pressure to increase your sexual arousal. And thus your nerves and your brain are programmed to only respond to strong pressure at the moment. But you can change that by learning to feel more subtle stimuli in your penis and to find them arousing. This requires a little practice and time, but then it will change. It is also helpful to move your pelvis during sex and to be able to use your pelvic floor muscles in a targeted way. You can read more about this kind of sexual learning in this text.

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