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Frage Nr. 35903 von 13.11.2022

Hi Lilli,

Can you recommend any resources for issues faced by men with a large and thick penis?

Most people just scratch their teeth on my penis during blowjob and it sometimes can hurt.

I find it very frustrating to have penetrative sex. It takes effort to get it in, even with lots of foreplay, and lube.

Quickies are out of the question.

For most people it is impossible or outright uncomfortable to have anal with me.

Once I am in, I need to be very slow, and careful to not hurt my partner. So slow that I lose my arousal, and erection.

Once I lose erection, then again I need to be stimulated and I again try to penetrate slowly, leading to more frustration and lose of erection.

I cannot fully get it inside my partner without causing them pain and discomfort. So at least half of my penis is outside and I feel a weird grip on the midst of my shaft.

Not to mention, quickies are out of question.

Our porn influenced culture thinks a big penis is truly a blessing, but I think no one addresses the problems faced by people like me.

Sorry for the rant but the issues ranted over are very real. Can you please help me?

Unsere Antwort

You are absolutely right. It is not easy to have sex with a very large penis. And through your experiences, you have already realized what you have to pay attention to. It's just as you say: you have to be very careful and slow. You can't do anything else than what you've already described. Your partners could lick your penis during oral sex and stimulate it with their hand at the same time. If they don't insert it into their mouth, the unpleasant sensation caused by their teeth will disappear. The grip you feel in the middle of your penis is your partner's pelvic floor muscles. This is normal.

Please don't get discouraged: Continue to find out what feels good to you and is doable at the same time. Please also read our text on sex with a large penis.

It would probably help to expand your sexual arousal technique, so that you can keep an erection and enjoy your experience more. For example, you can learn to find slower thrusting arousing, or learn how play with your pelvic floor muscles to increase your arousal. You can find many more tips on that in our texts Why do I only have erection problems during sex with others? and What are techniques of genital arousal?

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