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- Sexual intercourse: tips for your first time
- Sexual intercourse: tips for more fun and pleasure
- Pain during or after intercourse: causes
- Sexual intercourse with a short or thin penis
- Sexual intercourse with a thick or long penis
- Ejaculate easily with the penis in the vagina or anus
- Effects of high muscular tension during sex
- Why should women move during sex?
- What happens when men tense their muscles during sex?
- Lube: What you should know
- My penis in the vagina or anus: tips for practicing alone
- Sex in motion: pelvic swing for women
- Your pelvis is the steering wheel of your penis
- Getting more skillful at sex: pelvic swing for men
- Sex during menstruation: tips & tricks
- Hi,
My erect penis(20 cm length, and 15 cm circumference) is slightly curved to the left, and also slightly curved downwards. Whenever I try to penetrate a vagina or a toy, after entering the first 3 ... - I am a young bi guy, previously I have only been with men, and recently I have started seeing a woman. we still haven't had sex.
I am wondering what differences are there in penetrative sex with a ... - Hi Lilli,
Can you recommend any resources for issues faced by men with a large and thick penis?
Most people just scratch their teeth on my penis during blowjob and it sometimes can hurt.
I f ... - Firstly, thank you for your great content. I was reading some of your articles and decided this would be the proper place to ask my question.
I am a 18-year-old male, but my sexual journey started ... - When I engage in sex with my wife, we normally do it in rear entry. We've tried doing missionary, and it was uncomfortable and difficult, but rear entry like Doggystyle felt more natural. Are heights ...
- How can I penetrate a vagina? ...
- When erect my penis 18 cm long, and 16 cm circumference at the middle and 14.5 cm thick at the base. The base of my penis is not only thinner but also more flexible and weaker compared to the rest of ...
- How to put dick property in vagina ...
- How to give a girl the bestest pleasure ? ...
- Hi there,
I am male and had over 20 sexual partners. Only one of them used a hands free technique when starting intercourse to move the penis inside. When I was laying on my back, she would lay on me ...