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Frage Nr. 35652 von 20.09.2022

My erect penis(20 cm length, and 15 cm circumference) is slightly curved to the left, and also slightly curved downwards. Whenever I try to penetrate a vagina or a toy, after entering the first 3 or 4 cm my erect penis starts experiencing pressure in the middle of the shaft and it starts to bend in the middle. It makes me very uncomfortable, and the harder I try to push it in, it causes more discomfort and makes me lose the erection altogether.

I used lube, and it did not make a major difference.

What do I do? I am worried, please help me.

Unsere Antwort

It is normal that your penis is not completely straight. Most penises are curved in some way. But you should not experience pain during penetration. If you regularly experience pain during penetration, you should definitely see a urologist to get it checked out.

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