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Frage Nr. 35858 von 07.11.2022

I am a young bi guy, previously I have only been with men, and recently I have started seeing a woman. we still haven't had sex.

I am wondering what differences are there in penetrative sex with a vagina and penetrative sex with anus?

is there any difference in penetrative sex with a man's anus and woman's anus?

can experience in penetrative sex with a man help during penetrative sex with a woman or vice-versa? or are both so different that it has its own learning curve?

Unsere Antwort

Sex is different with every person. And everyone's anatomy is slightly different. So there is always a learning curve with every new partner.

Vaginal intercourse will likely feel different to you compared to anal intercourse. The vagina is an entirely different organ after all. It's made up of different tissue, has a different shape, is self-lubricating and is surrounded by a different set of muscles, for example.

Of course, your previous experience will play a role. Whether it's helpful depends on what you experiences have taught you so far. If you've learned to enjoy different kinds of stimulation or how to move your pelvis during sex, then that can be helpful. Contrastingly, if you've learned to arouse yourself in a very particular way then it might not be helpful and you'll have to expand your sexual repertoire a bit. We have written a lot of articles on this, so I would recommend you have a look at our text Sexual intercourse: tips for more fun and pleasure and at our chapter Sex tips, techniques, and exercises for men and all penis owners

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