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Frage Nr. 38630 von 20.08.2024

Can you increase sex drive. Mentally I want to have more sex but if I have sex more than once or twice a week I find that my erection is not as hard and I can loose it. I feel like there is a recovery period after sex before I am physically ready again.

Unsere Antwort

It is normal to have a recovery phase after sex, also known as the refractory period. During this time it is not possible to get an erection again due to physiological reasons. How long this phase lasts is very different for each person.

However, as you describe it, this doesn't seem to be about the refractory period, as you are able to get an erection again. I would therefore recommend that you try to change something about the way you arouse yourself physically. In other words, use movement and breathing and the sensations in your body to your advantage. You can learn this technique. Please read our chapter Sex tips and exercises for all.

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