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- Occasional erection difficulties are normal
- My penis gets hard when I do not want it to - what can I do?
- Helli lilli. I am a male on 18 years
Firstly, I have a question about my pelvic. Is it normal that you can feel the penis in the area behind the balls and the anus. It feel like my penis is extend ... - When practicing masturbation and pelvic swing I don’t get a full erection, I also loose erection quickly after a minute or two, sometimes I can get it back. I think your site says this is normal?
... - Is it normalt that my erection starts disappearing almost the second after i have ejaculated, or should it stay hard for longer? From 20 year old man. ...
- I’m finding it difficult to receive a more passive blow job. I have really enjoyed lying or sitting back receiving a blow job but have started to sometimes lose my erection, or think about losing it ...
- Hello, I am 26 years old and suddenly stopped getting morning erections. This abruptly stopped 3-4 weeks ago. I am in good shape health wise and also perform cardiovascular exercises frequently. I do ...
- Can you increase sex drive. Mentally I want to have more sex but if I have sex more than once or twice a week I find that my erection is not as hard and I can loose it. I feel like there is a recovery ...
- Hey. I'm male and 19 years old. Yesterday i had sex with a girl on the nude beach. Now I don' t feel good about it. It could be that other people saw us. But on the other side I want to do it again. I ...
- Hi, I want to know if you are a male (which I am), when you are erect, should you keep your pelvic floor as relaxed as possible or should you actively contract your pelvic floor, which is most natural ...