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Frage Nr. 36699 von 28.03.2023

Hello, I am 26 years old and suddenly stopped getting morning erections. This abruptly stopped 3-4 weeks ago. I am in good shape health wise and also perform cardiovascular exercises frequently. I do get erections during masturbation but they're not as strong. I cannot pinpoint if there are any underlying physical or mental problems as everything seems fine as usual. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

PS- Lilli has been a wonderful resource for me, thank you for doing this.

Unsere Antwort

Thank you for your appreciation!

Don't worry, this can happen and can change again. You'll only notice morning erections when you happen to wake up in a phase when you have them. They don't occur in every phase of sleep. If you wake up in a different phase of sleep, you just missed the erection because it happened before.

Maybe you arouse yourself with a lot of pressure and muscle tension. This might work against your erection. I recommend this text for you to explore this further. There, you'll find links to exercises you might try out.

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