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Frage Nr. 36159 von 11.01.2023


I've had lifelong erection problems and a lack of sensitivity. I am dependent on fantasizing and tensing my PC muscles to reach orgasm; is there a way to wean off of it?

The only way I've been able to not do that is not masturbating for a long while, and it only works once before my body goes back to normal. I am hesitant to abstain because it usually just kills my libido.


Unsere Antwort

Let's put it this way: This is as if you wanted to learn a new language and quit speaking English to achieve your goal. This won't work.

What I mean: You learned to arouse yourself using PC muscle tension and certain fantasies. Now you want to learn a new way of arousing yourself. Just quitting what you know will not make you learn something new. You have to have a project, a goal, something you want to learn, and then you have to practice it.

In your case, it makes sense to learn an arousal technique that supports both the sensitivity of your penis and your erection. Your high muscular tension can stand in the way of both: Strong muscular tension makes it hard to percieve and distinguish finer sensations, and it can also suppress the blood flow into your penis (if the muscular pressure is stronger than the blood pressure of the vessels that go into your penis).

I suggest learning a way of arousing yourself where you intensify arousal through more movement and less high muscular tension. Or rather, by alternately tensing and relaxing muscles. This is the best way to heighten the blood circulation in your genitalia. It involves actively playing with PC muscles, deep breathing, and movement of your pelvis.

I recommend that you read this text on erection difficulties and follow the tips in it. Maybe you've looked at it before – read it again, we added information to it this week. If you have more questions, please write again. Just tell us what the number of your first question was.

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