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Frage Nr. 36303 von 28.01.2023

Hi, Im a male, and during penetration I can feel basically nothing, which then leads to the loss of erection.Even during oral sex I feel hardly anything. And yes, there is a lot of foreplay beforehand(15-40 minutes), and I'm not concerned about being too small to feel anything

Unsere Antwort

This is probably because your body is used to something different. Think about how much pressure you put on your penis during masturbation. How fast and hard do you rub? How much do you tense the muscles of your body during masturbation? If you normally rub your penis vigorously during masturbation, it is not used to perceiving delicate stimuli as exciting. A vagina can never build up the same amount of pressure as your hand. So it is logical that you do not feel much arousal during vaginal intercourse, and then you lose your erection. The good news is that you can learn new things so that your penis can respond to the more delicate stimuli of the vagina. However, this takes some time and discipline. The more you practice, the more you will succeed.

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