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Frage Nr. 38013 von 15.03.2024

I have been reading your stuff regulary to understand it better and i have some questions .

-if i do the exercises every day , can i be able to manage my sexual arousal and by doing that can i control my orgasms ?

-if i am to much aroused and i am near the point of no return while intercourse how can i lower my arousal in time and be able to keep going penetreting more ?

Unsere Antwort

Yes, if you do our exercises regularly, you can learn to control your sexual arousal better. Orgasm itself is a reflex which, when triggered, is no longer under your control.

A good way to modulate your sexual arousal is to move and play with your pelvic muscles. Have you read the text «Your pelvis is the steering wheel of your penis»? There you will find more details on how moving your pelvis can help you.

If you find that you are close to orgasm during intercourse, you can stop for a moment and wait for your arousal to subside a little. You can also change the way you stimulate yourself, for example by moving more slowly.

I also suggest that you practice alone. The advantage of practising alone is that you are not distracted and you can decide what you do and for how long. You also won't get the idea that you have to perform, please or prove yourself to anyone... In short, you can concentrate best on yourself and you'll be likely to perceive yourself better. This means: If you take time for yourself, you will become a better lover.

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