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Frage Nr. 38531 von 02.07.2024

Hi Lilli
I have just found your website and your great tips on how to relax during masturbation. I especially like the pelvic swing while lying down so far, since it is something different than using my hands as usual.
Do you recommend to your shorts on, like in the pictures or go completely naked?
So far, I tried it with some soft cotton shorts, it feels really good and prevents a mess inside my pillows, but it gets uncomfortable on my penis tip after I while. So is it perhaps better to do it naked or with some lube inside my shorts? If naked, how do I prevent making a mess on my pillow? Thanks!

Unsere Antwort

It's great that you have found our tips and exercises, and that you are having fun doing them. You can do the exercises in whatever way feels more comfortable for you. Clothed or naked. You can also experiment with lube if you like. There is no right or wrong way to do it. It's a good idea to stay curious and try different things during solo sex. And if you want to avoid a mess, keep a towel or a handkerchief handy to catch your ejaculation.

If you haven't read it yet, you might also be interested in this text with tips for solo sex. 


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