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Frage Nr. 35904 von 13.11.2022

A month and a half ago I quit porn and masturbation cold turkey. Before I quit, I had problems getting erect, and not being able to finish. Now I am able to get erect and finish, but I am not lasting long enough.

The exercises recommended by you require me to explore my penis and masturbate. Both porn and masturbation have always went together for me. So I am afraid of falling back into porn addiction.

I call it addiction because I could not function without watching porn, and the time I spent on watching porn was negatively impacting all other areas of my life. Not to mention, every few weeks, the things I watched became more and more extreme and caused me great discomfort.

I am at a kind of an impasse, what do you have for me Lilli?

Unsere Antwort

I'm a bit confused by your question. It sounds like you're able to masturbate without porn. The exercises we recommend help you find more sources of arousal, so that you're not relying on porn as an arousal source. Think about how you masturbated with porn: Where was your attention? In your body? Probably not. So you didn't really feel what was happening inside of your body. The goal is that your body becomes more of an arousal source – how good and pleasurable it feels.

I'm guessing that you're also used to quite a bit of muscle tension during arousal. When you tense your body, you are less sensitive to more subtle types of stimulation – which makes it hard to guide your sexual arousal so that you come when you want. High muscular tension is also associated with more extreme porn contents. Please read our text on high muscular tension. From this text, you'll be guided to other texts with tips for practicing.

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