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Frage Nr. 33826 von 03.10.2021

What are the best methods to get rid of delayed ejaculation? I can be performing any sex act with a partner whether it be penetration or recieving oral and I still cannot reach the point of ejaculation.

When I am alone and self stimulating I am able to ejaculate but it's only when I'm in the presence of someone else that I can't ejaculate. I have no erection problems although occasionally I may have some ED particularly if I am sleep deprived or highly fatigued. During sex, when I'm having these issues of delayed ejaculation, I am also not stressed or mentally preoccupied particularly around the fact that I can't ejaculate from sex as I've grown to accept it.

I do have a history of porn use since my early teenage years and I am currently close to my mid 20s. Are there any practices that I can use to retrain my brain and body to ejaculate from sex?

I did lose my virginity two years ago in my early 20s but have been having sex multiple times per month ever since with no changes in my delayed ability to ejaculate.

This site has been a gamechanger for me in regards to learning more about sexology. Looking forward to hearing your perspective and any advice or tips you might have.

Unsere Antwort

When you masturbate you do something different than when you have sex with your partner. What is it? Do you tense your muscles more during masturbation, do you apply more pressure or do you rub your penis very quickly? Do you always watch porn while doing it?

I'm going to assume that you use more muscle tension and apply more pressure when you masturbate. This is relatively common while watching porn. The body plays a subordinate role, you focus on what you see. You tense everything and breathe shallowly to increase arousal. If you have done this for years and maybe still do it now, it's normal that you can't get aroused enough during sex with your partner. If you are not aroused enough, you may lose your erection. Or you can maintain an erection but the arousal is not enough to orgasm.

The only solution, in our opinion, is to LEARN. This requires some time and daily training. You can learn to feel more in your penis, applying less pressure, and you can earn to keep moving during sex. This prevents the muscles from being too tense, and this, in turn, promotes that you feel more physically. It will probably take a while until you find this kind of sex really arousing. But it is worth it.


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