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Frage Nr. 34041 von 06.11.2021

Does getting molested as a child impact a person's sexual orientation as an adult?

Unsere Antwort

The way you phrase your question, the answer is a clear "no", because it implies a rule. However, every person, and every experience, is different. Some will say their sexual orientation was clear to them from the moment they were able to think. In others, it changes many times during their lifetime. Some might tell you that one or several experiences impacted their sexual orientation. Others will tell you that they don't know of anything that impacted it.

Look at your own past. Can you think of any key moments around your sexuality? Some of these might be moments during which you were highly emotional (positive or negative emotions). Maybe something sexual happened, maybe something else happened. The high emotional charge set of sexual arousal. This is possible, because emotional arousal can set off physical sexual arousal. Later in life, your brain might have started to associate similar experiences, feelings or sensations with sexual arousal. This is how some sexual fantasies and sexual preferences are influenced and shaped.

This explains why a very negative experience like being molested might turn into something sexually arousing. Note that I write "might". It by all means doesn't have to. The opposite might happen, too: The negative experience turns into aversion. Or, the experience didn't make a lasting impact on the person's sexuality, at all. I can't stress enough: You have to look at every person and their individual history. What's true for person A is not true for person B or anybody else.

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