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Frage Nr. 34871 von 19.04.2022

Many thanks for the resources on the website, they are very helpful. Could you please add information or tips to counter delayed ejaculation (DE). DE is not as common as erectile dysfunction but any advice would be great. Thank you!

Unsere Antwort

Ejaculatio retarda (delayed ejaculation) is not as common as ejaculatio praecox (premature ejaculation).

It can be caused by some medical conditions, for example:
- taking certain medication, for example antidepressants
- spinal cord changes (injuries, tumors)
- multiple sclerosis
- diabetes mellitus
- surgery in the pelvic region

However, most of the time, none of these are responsible for DE. If none of these conditions are causing DE, you can assume that it's happening because you cannot control your arousal properly. The reason for that might be fear – of an unwanted pregnancy or an STI, for example. That means you are in your head instead of in your body. On the other hand, it might also be that you simply don't feel enough in your penis. In that case, the sensation is enough to keep an erection, but it's insufficient for increasing your sexual arousal all the way to orgasm. So my advice would be to learn how to feel more in the penis and how to use movement in order to increase your sexual arousal.

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