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Frage Nr. 36728 von 02.04.2023

Hi, I have stage 2 descent of the bladder and rectum after having a baby. Is it possible that the rectum causes a bad odor in the vagina? I have no symptoms of infection but it smells bad in the lower part of my vagina only. Do I keep washing this part?

Unsere Antwort

I do not believe that the descent of the bladder or rectum causes the bad smell in the vagina.

Much more common for bad smell in the vagina is an imbalance of the vaginal flora, especially an overgrowth of Gardnerella bacteria, also called bacterial vaginosis. Especially if the odor smells a little like fish, this diagnosis is very likely. This may be accompanied by burning or itching in the vagina, but often there are no symptoms other than the bad smell.

Please consult your gynecologist. She will examine the vaginal discharge under a microscope. Treatment with vaginal ovula usually leads to healing within a few days.


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