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Frage Nr. 37319 von 29.08.2023

I have suddently gotton around 4 small (1-2mm) dark spots on my penis glans. There are no bumps (Cannot feel them) and they do not hurt. Moreover, there are no discharge or change in skin structure. I am 26 years old, have only sex with my girlfriend, does not smoke, have never had i STI and clean my penis every day.
I am afraid of whether it can be cancer…

Unsere Antwort

I'm afraid I can't tell you what it is without seeing it.

In principle, there can also be birthmarks on the glans. You should go to a dermatologist – they can tell you what it is. And maybe the spots are totally harmless, that would be the case with moles for example. So, get it checked. That's the only way to know for sure.

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