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Frage Nr. 33845 von 19.10.2021

I'm 15 years old and was wondering what masturbation is? my parents and teacher wont tell me and i don't want to hurt myself please help

Unsere Antwort

Masturbation means arousing yourself sexually. You can think of it as having sex with yourself, that's why masturbation is also called "solo sex".

Masturbation can be touching your body and genitals in a way that feels exciting and pleasurable. Or fantasizing about sexual situations. Or watching porn. It might end with an orgasm, or it might not. People have many different ways of masturbating. It's healthy and beneficial, and as long as you don't feel unwanted pain while or after doing it, it won't hurt you. Definitely read our text: Masturbation: How can I explore solo sex?

By the way, you have a right to learn about your sexuality. It's a shame that your parents and teachers aren't answering your questions. Using websites like Lilli is a great idea. You could also try finding a local organization that teaches people about sex and sexual health. Some examples of such organizations are: Planned Parenthood (US), pro familia (Germany), and Brook (UK).

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