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- Sexual intercourse: tips for your first time
- Sexual intercourse with a thick or long penis
- Sexual arousal through rapid rubbing
- Sexual intercourse with a short or thin penis
- Book recommendation: Coming soon - great orgasms and better Sex at your fingertips
- Sexual arousal with pressure and muscle tension
- Am I addicted to sex (or porn)?
- Why do I only have erection problems during sex with others?
- High muscle tension during sex: Pros and Cons
- My penis gets hard when I do not want it to - what can I do?
- Erection problems: What can I do?
- Masturbation: What's «normal»?
- Does big penis equal good lover?
- Talking about sex is helpful and erotic
- Good sex: Who is satisfying whom?
- Occasional erection difficulties are normal
- A follow up to question 35813:
I understand your explanation about emotional intimacy, and if she really wants emotional intimacy before genital intimacy, I totally respect that.
But what I fail t ... - I am making few things that might not have been clear in my question 35904:
For me porn, and masturbation always went together.
Without porn I couldn't masturbate, and I couldn't just watch porn w ... - Hello lilli,
I first want to start of with a big thankyou to your website. This website literally saved my anxiety. I am a 21 year old man that has suffered sexual oriented ocd for 2 years. After h ... - Is it a man’s job to make a woman orgasm when having sex? ...
- Is cumming on someone’s face degrading? ...
- Hi Lilli,
you have saved me from a lot of shame and isolation around my sexuality. I overcame my vaginismus with your practices and am now practicing to move and breathe while having sex. Thank you! ... - When shroud you start teaching your children about sex? I feel like my upbringing was fairly normal (and badly lacking) on this subject. We had sex Ed at school and a clumsy birds and the bees talk at ...
- Why does culture and society teach that if a woman doesn’t orgasm it is because a a man doesn’t know what he is doing or doesn’t care. He didn’t make me cum -very popularly said. Even ideas li ...
- I [F, 27] am in a happy relationship with my bf [28]. However, I can’t shake this thought off my head that one day I will cheat on him.
To give some context, I never understood how some people stop ... - Hi Lilli team, I used to be happy with my sex life and had no problem on intercourse. For the last month or two, I noticed an issue that my penis got soften during intercourse. I enjoyed a good forepl ...
- Hello Lilli Team, I am a Muslim woman working for a Western firm in a local branch in Asia. I work together well with homosexual people. There is, however, a staff retreat coming up, and I will have t ...
- Dear Team Lilli,
I have a question concerning the standing up pelvic movement masturbation method. I've been practicing this method and have already made good progress. My orgasms are more intense, ... - I am a young woman, 22, in the heart of Africa, a university student, sharing a small one-room apartment with a woman a little older than I who is my cousin and friend who came from a neighbouring cou ...
- Hey. I'm male and 19 years old. Yesterday i had sex with a girl on the nude beach. Now I don' t feel good about it. It could be that other people saw us. But on the other side I want to do it again. I ...
- Hi Lilli team,
It’s me from question 38645.
Two months have passed since I last wrote you and I have went to PT. She told me my pelvic muscles are in good shape but that I tend to always be a bi ... - Hi Lilli,
Me and my girlfriend have a good relationship now 2 year old and we live together. However, we are starting to have issues related to sex. Overall i strugle with premature ejaculation and ... - I'm 18 and virgin together 16 virgin lady.Can we fuck forthe firsttime or it will be highly pain for her?
Can my penis all gets in?
What's maximum shorts a man can give? ...