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Frage Nr. 39361 von 24.01.2025

I'm 18 and virgin together 16 virgin lady.Can we fuck forthe firsttime or it will be highly pain for her?

Can my penis all gets in?

What's maximum shorts a man can give?

Unsere Antwort

Your first intercourse doesn't have to hurt at all. Your girlfriend's hymen might tear, which can briefly cause pain. Usually, however, it's only a slight pain, and many do not notice any pain at all. It's also possible that the hymen just stretches and doesn't tear. In this text you can find tips for your first intercourse. They will help to make sure that your first time is great and painless.

How far you can insert your penis into the vagina depends on the length of your penis. The length of the vagina is somewhere between 6 and 14 centimeters when not sexually aroused. Also, the opening is very narrow without sexual arousal. Only when the vagina is aroused does it become larger, wider and wetter. Then the penis has plenty of room and can easily slide in and out. That's why it's very important to take your time and get each other really aroused before having vaginal intercourse. A thick penis is not a problem when the vagina is well aroused. If you have a long penis, it's possible that your whole penis won't fit entirely inside the vagina. That doesn't mean that sex will be any less pleasurable, though. If you have a thick or long penis, you might be interested in this text

How many times you can ejaculate in a row depends on your refractory period. The penis needs a period of recovery after an ejaculation before it can become erect again. This is called the refractory period. It can last from a few minutes to many hours or even several days. It varies from man to man. It also depends on your daily form, the time of day, your mood and so on.

This answer also applies to the questions 39362 and 39363.

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