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Frage Nr. 37245 von 15.07.2023

Hello Lilli Team, I am a Muslim woman working for a Western firm in a local branch in Asia. I work together well with homosexual people. There is, however, a staff retreat coming up, and I will have to share a double room with a woman who declares herself a lesbian. I have never been in the situation of undressing in the sight of somebody, let alone showering. Might my colleague get aroused seeing me in my nightie? I would not want that. Might she even try seducing me, or are these fears totally unfounded? If I tell my dilemma to my superior, I might endanger my job, because the firm affirms LGBT values. Please counsel me how to handle this. Thank you!

Unsere Antwort

It's great that you're trying to question some myths you might have heard about homosexual people and the worries that stem from them. It's unfortunately still a common misconception that gay and lesbian people routinely try to "seduce" heterosexual people. This is not true for the vast majority of homosexual people. Most of them don't try to flirt with or seduce anyone unless they are getting clear signals that the other person is interested - exactly like most heterosexual people. And just like you (as a heterosexual woman) are presumably not attracted to every man, your colleague is not attracted to every woman. So there's a good chance she simply has no sexual interest in you at all. And even if she did, it is highly unlikely that she would try to engage in anything romantic or sexual with someone who she knows isn't homosexual. 

Regarding the undressing and showering: I assume that there is a spearate bathroom. So presumably neither one of you will be forced to undress or shower in front of the other. 

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