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Frage Nr. 33918 von 26.10.2021

I have the problem where you mentioned that people who use sex/porn/masturbation to avoid/numb themselves or fill a void will never be fully satisfied from it. But sex is also a biological need.
Normally when I have the urge to watch porn and masturbate(these two go together for me), it is accompanied by a feeling arousal.
How do I know if the urge is to self-medicate or if my mind and body just wants sex?

Unsere Antwort

My suggestion is that you don't ask yourself this question. Usually, the motivation to masturbate is based on a mix of physical and emotional needs.

No matter what the reasons or motivations are, you can learn to masturbate in a more fulfilling manner: If your focus is solely on porn, you won't feel what's happening in your body, and you can't really experience any physically pleasurable feelings. This will make masturbation less satisfying. If your focus is on your body, and you use your body in a manner that promotes pleasurable feelings, masturbation will be more satisfying.

Look at it this way: If you masturbate out of a need to self-medicate, and you do something really fulfilling and pleasurable, your mind and body will feel better. So there's nothing wrong about masturbation as self-medication.

In short: The problem (or solution) isn't about what the motivation to masturbate is, but about the way you masturbate. This is why we don't offer tips on how to change your motivation. Rather, we offer tips and exercises on how to masturbate in a more pleasurable way. This is what our masturbation tips are about.

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