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Frage Nr. 34022 von 03.11.2021

Hello lilli.

My problem is: I can control my ejaculation while I masturbate with my hands on my body part of penis. (I can relax my muscles) When I stimulate glans or frenulum, I can't control. Furthermore, I can't control my ejaculation while I use fleshlight (my pelvic muscles goes up and become so tense). What can I do ?

Thanks in advance.

Unsere Antwort

Yes, it is possible to learn to relax your muscles in these situations as well. But it may take a longer period of regular practice until you can do it. And by longer period I mean several weeks, sometimes several months. When you stimulate yourself with your hands or the fleshlight, you should immediately take a break if you notice that the pelvic floor muscles are getting too tense and you can't relax them. Then you actively relax them during the break before you continue. If that doesn't work, go back to the "dry" exercises: tighten the pelvic floor as much as possible and then let it relax, and then consciously try to relax it even more.

Please do not forget to pay attention to the pelvis as well. The pelvis should be in motion the whole time. This will also help you to relax your pelvic floor. And please don't forget to breathe deeply into the abdomen, this also relaxes the pelvic floor.


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