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Frage Nr. 35559 von 01.09.2022

What is healthy love,

Unsere Antwort

That's a pretty big question. Everybody experiences love in a unique way and there are many different kinds of love. You can love your parents, your siblings, your friends, your romantic partners, your pets etc. And those kinds of love will all feel slightly different.

But here are some general thoughts on what healthy love looks like: You appreciate one another for who you are. You're not constantly trying to change the other. You encourage each other to grow. You support and value each other. You show your love through words and actions. You enjoy spending time together and feel close and connected. But you are also comfortable spending some time alone or with others. Because healthy love exists between two independent people. That means that you are still your own person, with your own opinions, beliefs, feelings, friends, and interests. Of course, partners shape each other to a degree, but you shouldn't lose yourself in a relationship. You should be able to be fully yourself. You should feel seen and heard by your partner. At the same time, you should take responsibility for yourself instead of expecting your partner to take care of everything and to “make you happy”.

Healthy love also means open and respectful communication. You talk to each other about your thoughts, feelings and needs. You are able to solve conflicts in a fair and productive way when they arise. You are able to express fears and worries. You take each other seriously. Your partner's wellbeing is important you, just as yours is important to them.

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