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- How do I stand up for my needs in my relationship?
- Why is autonomy important for a good love relationship?
- How good is our relationship?
- Relationship problems: How can I avoid fighting?
- Erection problems: How to handle them in your relationship
- Conflicts: How do I remain fair?
- What are the benefits of argument time-outs?
- Openness keeps your sex life exciting
- Am I approachable? Critical? Anxious? Indifferent?
- Pressure is not seductive
- Talking about sex is helpful and erotic
- How do I get my nervous system under control?
- What is healthy love, ...
- Reply to question 36558
My trauma were two I believe. The first was to discover about penetration when I was about 10 from the tell of a boy that described it as something that needs to beak inside ... - Hello,
I'm a 33 year old man, married for 2.5years to my 26year old wife. We've been having a lot of trouble in our marriage. Many fights, disagreement etc. I work a full-time job and at work there a ... - My partner says I am out of sync with him in bed. When he thrusts inside me, I raise my hips to meet him. He says I am replicating his movements and it is frustrating for him. How should I move to ma ...
- I [F, 27] am in a happy relationship with my bf [28]. However, I can’t shake this thought off my head that one day I will cheat on him.
To give some context, I never understood how some people stop ... - Hi Lilli,
I had a series of horrible dating experiences and I was almost about to give up on dating. Then I met a cute woman who personality-wise is everything I have ever wanted but, I am not sexu ... - I dated a sweet and a great guy(my girlfriends called him 'marriage material'). But he was obese.
When we got intimate I just couldn't help but turned off by his body. I have a high sex drive but I d ... - I am 46 years old, and my wife is 47 years old. We have been married for 23 years. My sex drive and libido are still very strong and I long to have sex with my wife at least twice per week. On the oth ...
- Me again from 38611, Thanks for your answer.
Everything's going great between us, and she, by herself, opened up to me about her disability.
While doing so, she said that she never wants to have k ... - Hi Lilli,
Me and my girlfriend have a good relationship now 2 year old and we live together. However, we are starting to have issues related to sex. Overall i strugle with premature ejaculation and ...