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Frage Nr. 35996 von 28.11.2022

Is it normal for a woman's vagina to smell like dry pee?
I have a strong sense of smell and I am not able to give oral due to the smell.
What can we do? How do I tell this to her?

Unsere Antwort

Every vulva and vagina smells and tastes a little bit different. The taste and smell can also change over the course of the menstrual cycle. But given that the urethra is part of the vulva, it's quite natural for there to be a urine-like smell.

It sounds like you're pretty new to oral sex. So the fact that you're bothered by the smell could also be a sign that you are unfamiliar with it. When we don't know something, we often reject it. The more familiar we are with things, the more pleasant they tend to be for us. So I recommend that you get more familiar with your partner's genitals and with the smell.

You might start by taking a shower together, during which you give her oral sex. A freshly washed vulva will smell more neutral, so it might be a good next step to get you used to it.

I'd encourage you to be open about this to your partner. Tell her that this is new for you. Tell her you would like to explore oral sex with her, but that you need some time to familiarize yourself with it. Make it clear that it's not about her smell as much as about your learning process. Many people learn to find genital odors very arousing – but that takes time and experience. It's normal not to find it pleasant right away. Maybe also ask her about her own experiences with this.

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