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Frage Nr. 37359 von 04.09.2023

Hi lilli , While I am doing mastrubation, some white colour sticky substance came out from my body , I don't know how to describe it ? But I am sure it's not like a urine !, what is it ! Is it good or bad !? I am bit nervous

Unsere Antwort

It's good.

If you're a man, the substance is semen or ejaculate – what comes out of the penis when the man has an ejaculation.

If you're a woman, this is due to more moisture coming out of the vagina due to sexual arousal (cervical mucus plus the vagina walls "sweating"). It can also be ejaculate – this ejaculate comes out of the Skene glands at the beginning of the vagina, with an opening to the bladder. This is just a very small amount. Quite often it's a mix of the three – aka. vaginal moisture, cervical mucus and ejaculate.

This answer also applies to the questions 37358 and 37382.

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