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Frage Nr. 38014 von 15.03.2024

In most of the young boys is very easily to be aroused just by being with a girl kissing carresing touching or just by looking at her .

And then during foreplay the arousal goes to high and in the moment of Penetration its very hard to control these strong sexual arousal that is build up and orgasm is happening just in seconds of intercourse .

My question is can you please explain what can i and many boys like me do in these situation to be able to enjoy more the sexual act with their partner and not be dissapointed by these problems that i described here ?

Unsere Antwort

First of all, if you get sexually aroused easily, it means you are a healthy man. You're good at increasing your sexual arousal. And you can learn to regulate it better. We suggest: Focus more on your arousal and learn to really perceive it well. That way you can regulate it and it won't go through the roof before you want it to. In this text we explain how to do this and how you can learn to enjoy your sexual arousal more.

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