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Frage Nr. 34039 von 06.11.2021

To learn "new" techniques to orgasm, you recommend that I mix both the "old" and "new".
But, I want to use only the "new" techniques mentioned on your site to orgasm and I want completely stop using the "old" technique.

In this case, do you still recommend that I mix the "old" and "new" techniques?
If yes, then how do you recommend that I wean off of the "old" technique?
Won't relying on "old" technique to reach orgasm make it harder to learn to orgasm using "new" technique?

Unsere Antwort

Yes, we still recommend mixing the "old" and "new" techniques — at least for now. Otherwise, you will be caught in the vicious cycle again that you described in your first question. You need time to learn new arousal techniques before completely letting go of the old ones. You've already noticed that if you just stop completely, you create a void. And when you feel that emptiness, your urge to rely on the old technique will be greater. Because, when you fell empty and frustrated, you'll want a quick fix and not a new thing that doesn't work very well yet. Mixing the old and the new makes it easier to learn a new way to orgasm, because it allows you to stay on track. You give yourself the support for allowing sustainable change to happen gradually.

As we said before, you wean yourself off the old arousal technique by gradually changing the ratio of old and new. So you might start with 90 % old technique and just 10 % new technique. But the next time, you try to do 20 % new and only 80 % old, and so on. Also remember: your body isn't a machine. So, don't be too frustrated if your progress isn't always linear. Learning takes time and repetition. I also recommend referring back to our previous answer and the texts we linked to again and again. It will remind you of what to pay attention to when practicing.

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