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Frage Nr. 34045 von 07.11.2021

I see you recommend practicing pelvic swing for vaginal intercourse 20 mins/day 3 times/week.
On an average, how long would it take for the body to learn to orgasm with pelvic swing?

How about practicing pelvic swing for vaginal intercourse for 20 mins everyday?
Will that help body to learn this newer arousal method quicker?
By using this method daily to orgasm, is there a risk of building tolerance to this method?

Unsere Antwort

We recommend practicing at least 3 times a week for 20 min. That doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't practice more. It is good if you practice more. The brain has to understand the new stimuli and for this to happen, new synapses have to form. And this, of course, influences the effectiveness of the time spent practicing. Synapses do not form within 2 seconds. So if you practice only one day for 5 hours, it will not have the same effect as practicing for 20 minutes on 15 days. 20 minutes on 15 days is better, because then the brain has time to form the synapses.

In any case, it is important that you pay attention to what you're doing. If you do the exercises while surfing the internet, it won't do any good, because then other areas of the brain will be activated. Basically, it's just like learning anything else — you need attention and repetition. And that is why there is no habituation but only improvement. Imagine you are learning a foreign language, it works on the same principle. So, you can't predict how long it will take, because it depends on many factors and each person is different. On average, you can expect a few weeks to a few months.

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