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Frage Nr. 34374 von 04.01.2022

Thanks for answering my question nr. 33545. I have en elaborative question.
I think due to my performance anxiety over the last years, i have developed some kind of asexuality, because i no longer go on and fantasize about women, no do i get turned on them when i see them in real life liked I used to do. Also, I never get an spontanous erection when i am awake, like my penis is just numb.

I just think that it is very wierd that when i was younger (teenager) I would get spontanous erections that was almost difficult to get rid off. Now they never happen. At the same time my erections start demish almost the second i stop stimulating my penis..., although they are easy to get and maintain as long as i stimulate my penis.

However, when i look at the The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) i dont have any of the problems, but I think that it is uncomfortable that my erections dont last on their without me stimulating my penis or being aroused.

Could this be venous leakage maybe? I have never injuried my penis nor do i suffer from any illness. I only have slighty higher than normal blood pressure due which i have from my mother.

Thank you very much. I appreciate this site and what you are doing! Is it possible to support this site somehow?

Unsere Antwort

I think you have developed some avoidance behavior. In order not to be disappointed, you no longer take any risks, and you do this far in advance, before anything could possibly happen.
The fact that your penis no longer becomes hard without stimulation and that the erection disappears if you don't continue to stimulate it, that's all normal. During puberty, the body must first get used to the higher testosterone levels, which is why the penis quickly becomes hard and the erection sometimes lasts longer, even if you don't want it to.

So basically, there are two different things that come together for you, but they don't have much to do with each other.
I would recommend that you try to stop your avoidance behavior. Actively work on building up erotic fantasies about women again. Don't wait for these things to occur spontaneously and on their own. And rest assured that everything is okay with your penis and your erections. The changes you're describing are just a normal part of getting older.

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