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Frage Nr. 33798 von 01.10.2021

Is edging bad? I've being trying to masturbate and before the climax I stop and I try and send the energy or orgasm into different parts of the body....does this work? Cheers!

Unsere Antwort

Edging can take many different forms. In order to answer the question I'd have to know exactly what you're doing with your body when you arouse yourself, and also when you stop arousing yourself. I'd have to know what you do to try and send the energy to different parts of the body.

There are countless techniques of sexual arousal, and countless ways of using your body while you do it. Ask yourself: Do I move my body - my pelvis, my torso, my back? Or is my body still? What do I do when I stop arousing myself? Do I move? Am I still?

I can only give you a general bit of advice: More movement allows for better perception, and for better distribution of arousal throughout your body. It allows you to steer your arousal better. Please read this text if you want to know more about moving your body during sex. If you keep this in mind and keep moving, then edging can be useful for learning more about your arousal.

This answer also applies to question 33797.

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