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Frage Nr. 34043 von 07.11.2021

Among the three strategies for arousal:
1. Playing with pelvic floor muscles,
2. movement of the pelvis and
3. abdominal breathing,

you have combined movement of pelvis and abdominal breathing In the pelvic swing exercises.
Is it good to combine playing with pelvic floor muscles with pelvic swing exercises?

If yes, when do you tense the front pelvic muscles and when do you tense the rear pelvic muscles with respect to the abdominal breathing during the pelvic swing?

Is there a benefit in practicing combining only 2 strategies, like:
a) Playing with pelvic floor muscles, and movement of the pelvis without abdominal breathing?
b) Abdominal breathing and playing with pelvic floor muscles?

Unsere Antwort

That's a very good question. We sometimes recommend practicing all three parts separately first, because otherwise there will be too much confusion at the beginning. But the goal at the end is to combine all 3 techniques and use them together during sex. When you move the pelvis forward, you simultaneously tense the pelvic floor muscles. When you move your pelvis backwards, you relax the pelvic floor. When you move the pelvis forward, you exhale. When you move the pelvis backward and relax the pelvic floor, you breathe deeply into the abdomen.

Of course, you can also start by combining only two techniques at first and see what that does for you and how that feels. What works best for you is very individual, really.

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