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Frage Nr. 34426 von 12.01.2022

When I be aroused my leg muscles tense too much, I begin to shake, I feel it starts at my umbilicus and goes to my perineum and quads. U can’t orgasm fire to the high arousal no matter what I do. Help would a muscle relaxer help. I am on estrogen and testosterone troche twice a dau

Unsere Antwort

I'm sorry, but there are too many things that I don't understand about your situation. Are you talking about masturbation or sex with a partner? What position are you in when your leg muscles tense up? For example, are you standing or lying down or on your knees? What genitals do you have (penis, vulva, vagina, something else)? Why are you taking estrogen and testosterone twice a day?

I certainly do not recommend experimenting with muscle relaxers. That's dangerous and unnecessary. You need some tension for sexual arousal and orgasm. But it sounds like you are tensing a bit too much. Deep breathing helps to relax your muscles, so our text on breathing could be helpful to you. Also, moving prevents muscles from tensing too much, so you might also want to read our texts on movement for men and all people with penises and for women and all people with vulvas and vaginas. There are several techniques for genital arousal, so you could try something else and see how that feels.

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