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- Talking about sex is helpful and erotic
- Sexual intercourse with a thick or long penis
- How do I find out what I want during sex?
- Sexual intercourse with a short or thin penis
- Openness keeps your sex life exciting
- Why does culture and society teach that if a woman doesn’t orgasm it is because a a man doesn’t know what he is doing or doesn’t care. He didn’t make me cum -very popularly said. Even ideas li ...
- Hi Lilli team, I used to be happy with my sex life and had no problem on intercourse. For the last month or two, I noticed an issue that my penis got soften during intercourse. I enjoyed a good forepl ...
- I am 46 years old, and my wife is 47 years old. We have been married for 23 years. My sex drive and libido are still very strong and I long to have sex with my wife at least twice per week. On the oth ...
- My gf has asked me to finish in her mouth/on her face. Since I find the act degrading to a woman, I have declined.
I don't want to kink-shame. if these are somethings she actually enjoys, I might con ... - How to give a girl the bestest pleasure ? ...
- A follow up to question 35813:
I understand your explanation about emotional intimacy, and if she really wants emotional intimacy before genital intimacy, I totally respect that.
But what I fail t ... - When I engage in sex with my wife, we normally do it in rear entry. We've tried doing missionary, and it was uncomfortable and difficult, but rear entry like Doggystyle felt more natural. Are heights ...
- Hi there,
I am male and had over 20 sexual partners. Only one of them used a hands free technique when starting intercourse to move the penis inside. When I was laying on my back, she would lay on me ... - Hi Lili,
The woman I am seeing at the moment told me that she doesn't want to have intercourse coz she doesn't want to grow feelings early.
It is not a big deal for me to wait until she's ready. ... - My partner says I am out of sync with him in bed. When he thrusts inside me, I raise my hips to meet him. He says I am replicating his movements and it is frustrating for him. How should I move to ma ...