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- Sexual desire - and how to influence it
- Sexual arousal with body movement
- Sexual arousal with a vibrator or shower stream
- Sexual arousal with pressure and muscle tension
- Pressure is not seductive
- What happens when men tense their muscles during sex?
- High muscle tension during sex: Pros and Cons
- Effects of high muscular tension during sex
- Sex during menstruation: tips & tricks
- Openness keeps your sex life exciting
- Book recommendation: Coming soon - great orgasms and better Sex at your fingertips
- Your pelvis is the steering wheel of your penis
- Am I addicted to sex (or porn)?
- Sex in motion: pelvic swing for women
- How do I find out what I want during sex?
- Abdominal breathing revitalizes and calms
- How do I learn to breathe deeply?
- Hi Lili,
The woman I am seeing at the moment told me that she doesn't want to have intercourse coz she doesn't want to grow feelings early.
It is not a big deal for me to wait until she's ready. ... - Can you increase sex drive with practice. ...
- Hi Lilli,
I had a series of horrible dating experiences and I was almost about to give up on dating. Then I met a cute woman who personality-wise is everything I have ever wanted but, I am not sexu ... - I am 46 years old, and my wife is 47 years old. We have been married for 23 years. My sex drive and libido are still very strong and I long to have sex with my wife at least twice per week. On the oth ...
- Hey. I'm male and 19 years old. Yesterday i had sex with a girl on the nude beach. Now I don' t feel good about it. It could be that other people saw us. But on the other side I want to do it again. I ...
- Hi Lilli,
Me and my girlfriend have a good relationship now 2 year old and we live together. However, we are starting to have issues related to sex. Overall i strugle with premature ejaculation and ...